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Request a fungus or mold inspection


If you are unsure whether your building suffers from mold or other problems related to mold, we can determine this for you. Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days. Request your inspection below.

Always an inspection
within 48 hours



Suffering from Fungi or Mold

in Aalsmeer?

Cellar fungus, house fungus and pore fungus are among the most common types of fungi that can damage wood in homes and buildings. Here you will find general information about the lifestyle, recognition and control of these fungal species.

​Lifestyle of Cellar Fungus, House Fungus and Pore Fungus:

Cellar fungus: Cellar fungus thrives in moist environments, such as basements and damp walls. This species of fungus feeds on cellulose in wood and can lead to deterioration and weakening of wooden structures.

House fungus: House fungus is an aggressive type of fungus that spreads via spores in the air. It thrives in moist environments and can attack both new and old wood. House mold can cause major damage to wooden structures and often has a characteristic odor.

Pore fungus: Pore fungus is a type of fungus that mainly occurs in damp environments with a high moisture content, such as bathrooms and kitchens. It feeds on cellulose in wood and can lead to deterioration of wooden surfaces.


Recognition of cellar fungus, house fungus and pore fungus:

Appearance: Cellar fungus, house fungus, and pore fungus can vary in appearance, but they are often characterized by a fluffy texture and different colors, such as white, gray, brown, or yellow.

Odor: House fungus often has a characteristic musty odor that is similar to damp earth or rotting wood.

Deterioration of wood: Look for signs of wood deterioration, such as discoloration, softening, deformation or the appearance of cracks in the wood.

Piket services voert in Aalsmeer vrijblijvend een inspectie uit binnen vijf werkdagen


How do we combat fungi and mold?

in Aalsmeer en omgeving?

Bij ons bedrijf zijn we gespecialiseerd in de effectieve bestrijding van Kelderzwam, Huiszwam en Poriënzwam. We hanteren geavanceerde technieken en behandelingen om de schimmel te elimineren en verdere verspreiding te voorkomen.


​Onze professionals voeren een grondige inspectie uit om de omvang van de schade vast te stellen en bepalen de meest geschikte bestrijdingsmethode. Dit kan het verwijderen van aangetast hout, het aanbrengen van schimmelwerende middelen en het verbeteren van de vochtregulatie in de ruimte omvatten.


​Daarnaast geven we ook advies over preventieve maatregelen, zoals vochtbestrijding en goede ventilatie, om herhaling van schimmelproblemen te voorkomen.


Bij ons bedrijf streven we ernaar om de aantasting van Kelderzwam, Huiszwam en Poriënzwam effectief te bestrijden en de integriteit van jouw woning of gebouw te herstellen. Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op voor een professionele aanpak van schimmelproblemen.

Woont u in de omgeving van Aalsmeer?

Bel dan naar: 070 221 16 36

Frequently asked questions about combating

Zwammen en Schimmels in Aalsmeer

  • What are the signs of fungus infestation in my home?
    Signs of fungus infestation can vary, but common indicators include discoloration or distortion of woodwork, loose floor tiles, musty odors and even visible mold growth.
  • Is fungus infestation harmful to my health?
    Yes, fungus infestation can cause structural damage to your home as well as be harmful to your health, especially for those with allergies or breathing problems. It is important to take fungus infestation seriously and tackle it as quickly as possible.
  • How can I prevent fungus infestation?
    To prevent fungus infestation, it is important to tackle moisture problems in the home, such as leaks or damp basements/crawl spaces. In addition, it is regularly important that there is sufficient ventilation in the basement/crawl space
  • What can I do if I suspect that my house is affected by fungi?
    If you suspect that your home is affected by mold, it is wise to have a professional inspection carried out by a certified mold control company. We can provide you with this inspection. Request a free inspection on this page.
  • How long does it take to remove fungus infestation?
    The time required to remove fungus infestation may vary depending on the extent of the infestation and the control methods used. In some cases it may take several hours to days for the fungus infestation to be completely removed and the remediation work to be completed.
  • Are there natural methods to combat fungi?
    Although natural methods such as good ventilation and moisture control can help prevent fungus infestation, it is usually necessary to use professional control methods to effectively remove existing fungus infestation.

Services that Piket Services offers in


Houtwormbestrijding Aalsmeer

If you are unsure whether your property suffers from wood damage or other problems related to the wood, we can determine this for you. Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days.

Vochtwering Aalsmeer

If you are unsure whether your building suffers from rising damp in the walls or excessive humidity in the crawl space, we can determine this for you. Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days.

Renovatie Aalsmeer

If you are unsure whether your supporting floor needs to be replaced. please contact us. Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days.

Isolatie Aalsmeer

Lower energy costs and a pleasant floor are smart investments. Discover the benefits of floor insulation and enjoy a more comfortable and sustainable home.

Ongedierte bestrijding Aalsmeer

Do you want to get rid of your pests or do you want a tailor-made plan for controlling pests within your company? Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days.

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