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Knaagdieren bestrijden

Tired of rats or mice?

Let our experienced team of professionals tackle your mouse problem. We offer effective and fast customized pest control, so that you can enjoy a gnaw-free home again. Contact us today.


Control rodents


Mice and rats are rodents that often live near human habitations. The rodents have similar living habits, but there are some differences between the two.



Mice are smaller rodents with an average length of 7-10 cm, excluding the tail. They have a fast reproductive cycle and can multiply quickly. Mice usually build their nests indoors, such as in walls, attics, basements and under floors. They are nocturnal and are agile climbers and diggers. Mice can slip through small gaps and cracks and are looking for food sources.



Rats are larger than mice, with an average length of 20-25 cm, excluding the tail. They have a similar reproductive cycle to mice, but they have a longer gestation period and smaller litters. Rats often build their nests outdoors, in holes in the ground, under bushes, in sewers and in buildings. They are usually active at night, but can also be active during the day when hungry. Rats are excellent climbers and swimmers and can easily gain access to buildings through sewer pipes and other openings.


The Combat:

Controlling and repelling mice and rats is essential to prevent property damage, the spread of disease and health risks.


Here are some tips for control and prevention:


  1. Seal Openings: Inspect your home and buildings for openings, cracks and cracks that mice and rats can crawl through. Make sure all openings are properly sealed, including vents, doors, windows, holes around pipes, and openings in foundations.

  2. Keep food tidy: Store food in airtight containers and make sure no food residue is left on counter tops, floors or other surfaces. Clean your storage areas regularly and dispose of waste in closed containers.

  3. Reduce Hiding Places: Minimize clutter, piles of wood, cardboard and other materials in your home and yard. Rats and mice use this as shelter and nesting material.

  4. Use mouse traps and rat traps: Place mouse traps and rat traps in strategic locations where activity has been observed. Use suitable bait, such as peanut butter, bacon or cereal, to attract the rodents to the traps.

  5. Consider professional help: If a serious infestation occurs or if your efforts are unsuccessful, it is advisable to call a professional pest control service.



Llet's go! This treatment is only for private individuals. If you are a business customer, please contact us via the telephone number below, email address or complete the business request form on our site. 

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