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Request an inspection of your floor

in Sassenheim

If you are unsure whether your supporting floor needs to be replaced. please contact us. Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days. Request your inspection below.

Always an inspection
within 48 hours



Have the supporting beams of your building strengthened

in Sassenheim?

Joists are the backbone of your building, and over time they can weaken due to various factors, such as moisture, wood rot, fungi, wood insects and structural loads. If your property is showing signs of weakened supporting beams, you've come to the right place.

Our expertise lies in reinforcing or replacing old beams, directly from the crawl space. Using advanced techniques and high-quality materials, we can restore and strengthen the structural integrity of your building, without the need for major renovations.

Contact us today for a no-obligation inspection and find out how we can strengthen or replace your joists and protect your property for the long term.

Piket services voert in Sassenheim vrijblijvend een inspectie uit binnen vijf werkdagen

Wij bieden in Sassenheim en omgeving maatwerkoplossingen

Whether it concerns adding additional support, replacing damaged beams or strengthening the existing supporting structure, we offer tailor-made solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of your property. Our experienced professionals ensure meticulous execution, with an eye for detail and quality.

With our approach from the crawl space, we minimize disruptions and inconvenience to your home or business premises. In addition, we can often save significant costs and time compared to traditional methods.

Woont u in de omgeving van Sassenheim?

Then call: 06 24 32 92 15

Draagbalk verstevigen

Frequently asked questions about strengthening beams

in Sassenheim

  • What are the signs of fungus infestation in my home?
    Signs of fungus infestation can vary, but common indicators include discoloration or distortion of woodwork, loose floor tiles, musty odors and even visible mold growth.
  • Is fungus infestation harmful to my health?
    Yes, fungus infestation can cause structural damage to your home as well as be harmful to your health, especially for those with allergies or breathing problems. It is important to take fungus infestation seriously and tackle it as quickly as possible.
  • How can I prevent fungus infestation?
    To prevent fungus infestation, it is important to tackle moisture problems in the home, such as leaks or damp basements/crawl spaces. In addition, it is regularly important that there is sufficient ventilation in the basement/crawl space
  • What can I do if I suspect that my house is affected by fungi?
    If you suspect that your home is affected by mold, it is wise to have a professional inspection carried out by a certified mold control company. We can provide you with this inspection. Request a free inspection on this page.
  • How long does it take to remove fungus infestation?
    The time required to remove fungus infestation may vary depending on the extent of the infestation and the control methods used. In some cases it may take several hours to days for the fungus infestation to be completely removed and the remediation work to be completed.
  • Are there natural methods to combat fungi?
    Although natural methods such as good ventilation and moisture control can help prevent fungus infestation, it is usually necessary to use professional control methods to effectively remove existing fungus infestation.

Services that Piket Services offers in


Houtwormbestrijding Sassenheim

If you are unsure whether your property suffers from wood damage or other problems related to the wood, we can determine this for you. Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days.

Vochtwering Sassenheim

If you are unsure whether your building suffers from rising damp in the walls or excessive humidity in the crawl space, we can determine this for you. Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days.

Renovatie Sassenheim

If you are unsure whether your supporting floor needs to be replaced. please contact us. Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days.

Isolatie Sassenheim

Lower energy costs and a pleasant floor are smart investments. Discover the benefits of floor insulation and enjoy a more comfortable and sustainable home.

Ongedierte bestrijding Sassenheim

Do you want to get rid of your pests or do you want a tailor-made plan for controlling pests within your company? Piket services carries out an inspection without obligation within two working days.

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